Sunday Slideshow: Imagination Library Birthday Party

Philip received his last book from the Dolly Parton Imagination Library in September. The program, sponsored locally by the United Way, mails a free book each month to registered children from birth to five years old. I’ll miss opening up the mail box to find a picture book in it, but I’m glad that I signed Philip up two years ago when the program came to our county.

Last March, the United Way threw a first birthday party for the Imagination Library. Unfortunately, Philip was sick and couldn’t attend. So, even though he has aged out, I still took him to our local Kroc Center to participate in the second birthday bash.

Several not-for-profit organizations had tables set up in the gymnasium. Each table featured a different activity, most of them based on a children’s book. Philip didn’t necessarily follow the instructions at each table. Instead, he took the materials and found his own ways to be creative.

He was delighted when he Curious George first appeared in the room. There were several other costumed people portraying story book characters, too. We were on the opposite of the room when they were introduced. Philip smiled when he saw George at a distance. Up close was a completely different matter. He hid behind me and gave them a wide berth.

Check out today’s slide show to see Philip doing his own thing – as far away from Curious George as possible.

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15 thoughts on “Sunday Slideshow: Imagination Library Birthday Party

  1. I just found out about the Dolly Parton program in our town too! I am kind of bummed that we’re moving out of state in a couple months and won’t be able to participate in it. I love any program that gets kids involved in reading.

    Looks like Philip had a great time! My favorite part of the cupcake is the frosting, too. 😉


  2. I’m chuckling at “he only ate the frosting.” My kids ALWAYs only ever ate the frosting. I had the idea when my kids were small that I should invent and market an artificial cupcake made from food-safe plastic so that I didn’t have to keep throwing away all those licked but uneaten cupcakes. Maybe that will be my retirement project 🙂


  3. Heh….reminds me of a birthday I had as a kid, my parents got someone dressed as Batman (why they chose an imposing sizing man, wearing all black, with giant goth like bat wings, for a 4 year old no less, is beyond me.) But I reacted the same way as Phillip, albeit worse. From afar, I see him, and get super happy, up close, I panick, and let out a scream like Jennifer Love Hewitt from I know what you did…

    You see my face go from pure joy, to abject horror, in about 2 seconds flat. This was all caught on home vhs (because you know, 90s)


  4. I love this program, unfortunately it is not yet run in my area of Australia, but I am following them on Facebook and have spoken to the places in Australia that do run it… just a matter of time 🙂 Brilliant program!


What do you have to say about that?