Patent pending, I’m sure

I haven’t been willing to commit to a blogging schedule. I know that it’s not realistic to say I will post every day (you’re welcome). In my mind, I figure I will publish two to three times a week. However, I decided to set up one consistent feature: Sunday Slideshows. I like having a place to impose upon readers share all the pictures I take.

This past Sunday, the slideshow featured photos from the Imagination Library Birthday Party that Philip and I attended. It included this picture:

He only ate the frosting

He only ate the frosting

When Anna from Muddy River Muse saw the photo, she wrote this comment.

Muddy River Muse

I’m chuckling at “he only ate the frosting.” My kids ALWAYS only ever ate the frosting. I had the idea when my kids were small that I should invent and market an artificial cupcake made from food-safe plastic so that I didn’t have to keep throwing away all those licked but uneaten cupcakes. Maybe that will be my retirement project

Thanks for reading and responding, Anna. I’ve selected this remark as my March 2014 Comment of the Month. You are now featured on my Couldn’t Have Said it Better page.

Folks, you heard it here first. I’m sure Anna’s invention is patent pending. Don’t go stealing her idea. Instead, I urge you to visit her blog.

7 thoughts on “Patent pending, I’m sure

      1. Hooray. I’m glad no cupcakes were wasted in the making of that post. 😉
        And, yeah, it’s a nice excuse and all, but I would have eaten the cake before I became a parent too. I don’t like cake abuse.


  1. I prefer to write when I have something I feel like saying. A schedule makes that a little harder.
    Also, I really don’t want to post daily. I did at first (when no one was reading), but it just seemed like too much work.

    Off to check out Muddy River…


  2. I just write everyday because of a lot of things that have nothing to do with writing. If I had to put more thought into it (re: something “good”) then I couldn’t do this everyday though I know there are others who can swing and hit a home run each time, no matter how often they post .


What do you have to say about that?