Easy to love

It’s been two years since Philip was formally diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. For the past three weeks, I’ve been revisiting and sharing the blog posts I wrote about the process at the Yeah Write Moonshine Grids. Re-reading the posts has been an uncomfortable experience for me, especially the final one in which I reported on the results.

Two years ago, I was afraid. I suspected that Philip was autistic, so having him evaluated and getting the results would only confirm “my worst fear.”

My worst fear?

Yes, I had been conditioned to think that autism was horrible. I wanted to get a diagnosis so that I could get services for Philip that would help him be less autistic.

Fortunately for Philip, there are autistics and parents that share their stories who have made me realize that I don’t need to fix Philip. I need to fix the way that the world looks at him.

If it weren’t for those blog posts that I wrote two years ago, I would probably have forgotten most of the particulars of the process. I also would have conveniently forgotten my own negative attitude.

But there is one detail that I’ll never forget. We had endless forms to fill out. There was also a form that Philip’s preschool teacher had to complete. In addition to checking boxes, there was a narrative section. I’ll always remember what she wrote there:

Philip is easy to love.

Tomorrow, some of the bloggers that I mentioned before, the ones that helped me learn to accept Philip as he is, will be presenting a flash blog called “Love Not Fear.” It is a fitting act for Valentine’s Day because what his teacher said is true: Philip is easy to love.

If you’re curious, here are the links to the posts that I wrote about the autism screening process:

‘Twas the night before
Autism Screening: Part I
‘Twas the night before Groundhog Day
Autism Screening: Part II
Have a Nice Day

26 thoughts on “Easy to love

  1. I love this reflection back on your fears, and the discovery that our worst fears are based on unknowns. I especially love what the teacher said about Phillip, and what you know to be true. 🙂


  2. Awesome. Can’t wait to read the posts. Would love to participate in an autism blog hop in the future if you put one together (though I’ll have to do it from a speech therapists’ perspective).


      1. After I hit “post” it hit my how obnoxious my comment was: “Here is an idea I like that somebody else should do for me…” Maybe after I type up the post I’m drafting in my mind I’ll just add some of your posts at the end as related content.


        1. No, I didn’t take it that way. It made me think, “wow, she thinks I could host a blog hop.” I suppose it’s not rocket science, but I guess I never pictured myself doing it. That made your comment empowering.


  3. “Philip is easy to love” – what a beautiful,heartwarming thought. Plus, it shows that Philip was born with a trait that we all could aspire to. Loved this post about your honest progression and learning curve! 🙂


  4. Bawling at your words about fear. Me, too. Big me too. And I wish I’d known about this beforehand because I’d have loved to participate. Maybe next year. I so get what you were thinking about “fixing” him. Sigh. But then there’s the flip side where ABA does wonders. My son started talking because of ABA. But yeah, he’s still on the spectrum, and well, I just want you to know how much I love this post.


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