last Monday

It’s the final Monday of 2016. It felt more like a Sunday to me. No newspaper or mail was delivered. I didn’t shower or go to work. I did laundry. I vacuumed. I baked a ham and made mashed potatoes for a belated Christmas meal. We only left the house once for my husband’s allergy shot. Sure, the doctor isn’t usually open on Sunday but that was hours ago. The moments since, spent reading a book, watching TV, changing a flat tire, playing with Philip,were all weekend-worthy.

What will tomorrow feel like? Philip and I will go to the library, something we usually do on Saturdays. Will there be a Tuesday-ness to the day or will I feel as if I’m in an endless weekend?

What day of the week did today feel like for you?


5 thoughts on “last Monday

  1. I feel like everything is off this week. For what it’s worth, I forgot to light the Chanukkah candles three days running. I took out the menorah for tonight because that will be pathetic if I can’t even get it right on the fourth try. Happy Tuesday to you.

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  2. It definitely felt like a Sunday to me! So much so that I completely forgot about Microblog Mondays. Fortunately, Mel’s Monday is our Tuesday, so I managed to get them done! All this week though is feeling a bit like a Sunday, including this morning, when I slept in, then read my book in bed!


  3. Well…this whole week is exactly the day it is supposed to be…bad habit of mine, I keep counting the day before something good this case, my beautiful and so well deserved break from work. :/


  4. I was totally confused as to the day of the week, and continue to be, thanks to the holiday and hubby working extra days. Sounds like an awesome way to spend a Monday, though. 🙂


What do you have to say about that?