Happy Unicorn Appreciation Day

Since I’m fresh out of horns and stilts, I’m celebrating Unicorn Appreciation Day 2016 with this blog post. This is my first year observing the holiday invented by Fish of Gold in 2014. Unlike commercialized holidays with limited-edition flavors of candy, this day doesn’t cost me any money or make me fat.

Here are the questions that Goldfish posed to celebrants:

If you had your own unicorn, what would you name it? Brunhilde. I hope the unicorn has a less tragic fate.

What three wishes will you ask the magical unicorn to grant you this Unicorn Appreciation Day?

This has been quite a Monday. This day needed more unicorn. Here’s what would have helped:

  1. Teleportation: I really could have used some instant transport today. Driving gets old and takes too much time. If I didn’t have to drive to and from work, life would be easier.
  2. Instant recovery for Philip: he has a sinus infection and ear infection. He feels miserable and hates the medicine. Plus, he’s missing school. He’s made so many strides there that I hate calling in an absence. Let’s not even talk about how out of whack our routines are right now.
  3. Instant healthy, trim body: As awesome as that would be, I would still have all the bad habits that let me get fat in the first place, so I know  I need to work for this.


What about you? Do you need more unicorns and rainbows in your life? It’s not to late to join the celebration.

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