Ten Things of Thankful: the NaBloPoMo day 15 edition


It was fun to join back into the community of bloggers who give their thanks in groups of ten. Without further ado, here are the things I’m thankful for this week.

1. An organized garage and laundry room. We went downstairs to build a headboard for our guest bed, but got distracted by making room to do the work. We were pooped by the time everything was in its proper place, so the headboard didn’t get built. But hey, who wants to mess up perfection?

2. Philip drank orange juice. For the first time ever.

3. My best friend called me during my lunch break on Wednesday. This used to be a regular thing for us, but a month ago she moved to Quatar, so that put a dent in the calls. It was great to hear her voice.

4. Blue Bloods is available via streaming on Netflix. Tom Selleck still looks fantastic. Is that actually two things?

5. I used a rain check with no expiration date just when I needed it most.

6. Last Sunday we drove to a nearby city to buy a new booster seat for Philip. The sale price was great even if the drive was inconvenient. But then we  found fuel for 20 cents cheaper than our local stations.  It was definitely worth the drive.

7. Peter drove himself to a friend’s by himself this week. He could accomplish this since he is no longer taking pain pills and since he is now able to wear his glasses.

8. I had the opportunity to attend a training session at work. I miss the days when I was a teacher when professional development was so readily available and encouraged. It was great to be included in this. I didn’t understand half of the presentation, but I learned more about the work of another department. Hopefully, I’ll be better able to support those colleagues in the future.

9. The reminder about parent-teacher conferences said we would only have fifteen minutes. I emailed Philip’s intervention specialist and asked if I could meet with her separately. She arranged me for to arrive fifteen minutes early. It turned out that, not only did I meet with her, but the classroom teacher and speech therapist were also in attendance. We talked for an hour. It was so helpful to have that large chunk of time for a meaningful conversation.

10. I haven’t missed a day of NaBloPoMo so far. And today is the half-way point!



10 thoughts on “Ten Things of Thankful: the NaBloPoMo day 15 edition

  1. Yay for halfway! Love this list too.

    Do you watch Blue Bloods for Tom Selleck? If so, then that is one item. If not, then well, it’s Movember, so mustachioed actor references are exempted from blog hop rules :0)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I didn’t expect November to be busy, either. Last year we bought a house and moved, so I had tons of post drafted ahead. I scheduled a week’s work at a time and even managed some guest posts. This year, I didn’t get nearly as much done with what seemed like more time.


  2. Well done for making it halfway through NaNoBloMo. I like that you’ve been able to be thankful for so many doubles in your list. Here’s to good health, and the appreciation for Philip’s teachers going above and beyond to give you the time which was needed to have a proper chat and keep you informed 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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