Ten Things of Thankful #35

Ten Things of Thankful

1. Once again, I’m thankful for my local library. Philip had a great time there last Saturday with the monthly “make and take” craft project. I’m not very crafty, so it’s great that Philip has a place where he can get creative (and practice his finer motor skills, too).


All you need is love

2. I’m thankful that we finished the living room/dining room/entry way paint project.

Philip supervising painting of the entry way

Philip supervising painting of the entry way

3. I’m thankful that we have NOT finished painting Philip’s room since he decided to draw on the walls with markers this week. Pictures to be featured in my Sunday Slideshow.

4. I’m thankful that the fuel price had not increased at our local gas station on Monday morning since I had to drive in the opposite direction of work in the hopes that it was still ten cents cheaper than everywhere else. It was! After topping off the tank, I took a different route to work for a change of scenery and didn’t get lost.

5. I’m thankful that we had enough leftover Valentine’s Day cards from the past two years so that I didn’t have to buy new ones to send to Philip’s preschool. I think if we hadn’t exactly the amount needed I would have had Philip make his own. That kid just loves to draw.

He loves drawing so much, he colors his own hands and arms.

He loves drawing so much, he colors his own hands and arms.

6. Peter called me Thursday afternoon to report that we had no electricity due to some downed power lines. I’m thankful that the power came back on before it got dark. Our house only runs on electric, so we would not have had lights or heat otherwise.

7. In a related note, I’m thankful the weather wasn’t too cold when the power went out. The house started to get chilly, but not as bad as it would have been during the polar vortex. And things would have been worse if Winter Storm Pax had been visiting us.

8. I’m thankful for the autism advocates who organized the “Love Not Fear” flash blog on Valentine’s Day. It is bloggers like these that have helped me learn to accept Philip for who he is.


9. I’m thankful I have been summoned for jury duty next week. I’ve never had the chance to serve before, so I look forward to fulfilling my civic duty. I’m always saying I don’t get out much . . .

10. I’m thankful that the “thunk clunk” that startled Peter and me awake at 5:06 am on Thursday was the sound of the suction cup breaking lose from the shower wall and the soap dish and bar of Irish Spring tumbling to the floor and not someone breaking into our house or a crash caused by Philip carousing in the night. I’ll admit it, though: Philip was our first suspect.

36 thoughts on “Ten Things of Thankful #35

  1. A “thunk clunk” from the bathroom is a horrifying sound in my book. We have trouble keeping a shower rod up. I know we should just buy the screw in kind, but the idea of drilling into tile is so unappealing.


  2. Owwww things which go “thunk” in the night are discomfitting! Glad it was only the soap.

    Congrats on finishing the painting, and whooop for timing that you didn’t do Philip’s room yet! My Neff is a great one for colouring on his arms, his belly and his sister…


  3. We have had crayons and marker drawings here, too. Thankfully they were able to be cleaned for the most part, but guess it is a rite of passage for kids. I know I did it too as a child, so as my mom says, “What goes around comes around!” But seriously, glad you had a wonderful weekend and here is to an even better weekend now!! 🙂


  4. Whoot on renos. My kitchen is demolished and I’m washing my dishes in the laundry tub. Oh and I cook the best meals that come from the box now. Yes I am.
    That is my worst nightmare. The power going out. It has been bitterly cold here. Very. Cold


  5. Your painting supervisor is adorable! I assume you have discovered the marvels of the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser when you have a little artist in the house….
    Power outages are never good, even in pleasant weather, as they force us to fix all our clocks. First world problem, huh?!
    Jury duty will be an…experience. It will make you hope you never need a “jury of your own peers”, because you’re going to take one look at the jury pool and say, “These aren’t MY peers!” Look forward to hearing about your experience.


    1. Believe it or not, I haven’t tried the Mr. Clean eraser yet. Hubby tried soap and water to no avail.
      I’m hoping that jury duty will be painless. Or painful enough to produce good blog fodder!


  6. I’m with Dyanne (metaphorically speaking, of course), in that the jury duty adventure is one that… can be interesting! (especially the first time), and a real life courtroom can be interesting (I liken it an operating room, but dry).
    good luck with that…
    Judges have no sense of humor, btw… lol


  7. You have quite the little artist! When you do paint his bedroom, you might as well let him start by painting (in the new color) on his wall. My dad did that when I was little, and my siblings and I thought it was so cool that we got to paint a dinosaur on the wall! As soon as we took a photo, it got painted over, but it was sure fun!


  8. Sounds like you had a great Valentines. I was in co-charge of my son’s party at school and the snow cancelled the whole thing. And love your new paint. I’m setting up a room to write in and I want to paint it — but it’s now bright red. That will require a lot of paint.


  9. Wha-hooo to the paint project being finished (except for in Philip’s room) and that the clunk was not the horrible scary kind (although I’m sure it was horrible and scary until you realized that it was soap and such because yikes). I haven’t seen the Valentine’s flash mob! I’m going to check it out now and thank you for sharing it!


  10. Oh, I love my local library too! I used to go there all the time when my kids were younger but then we sort of phased out, but now that I have real readers, I’m back there all the time and I love. The librarians are so helpful and I leave with wonderful recommendations. I’ve also started borrowing movies there. Books everywhere you turn. And quiet… I love it!!!


  11. Have you considered painting a portion of your son’s room with the chalkboard paint? So wish it had existed when my kids were little!


  12. Those mysterious sounds from the bathroom always get me. Although, in my world, they often happen in the middle of the night when it’s the scariest.

    Big ol’ list of thankfuls here, sounds like you had a great week.


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