the one that got away

Attach a lure of patience to my hook

To catch a word or phrase I recognize.

I drop my line into his babbling brook;

Exotic fish, his murmurs mesmerize.

To net his point and reel his message in

I stay here by his stream, this school of sound.

I don’t cut bait, I cast my line again.

I angle for his tale – it can’t be found.

19 thoughts on “the one that got away

  1. This is full of gorgeousness, Cyn. Pitch perfect from beginning to end. And bittersweet. Love that opening line best — it says so much.


  2. Wonderful rhythm and rhyme, and such a clear picture you paint! I could both see the metaphor and feel the reality of what you were describing. And I really love that you noted this was easier as a poem than a non-fiction. That’s really the beauty of having all these different formats to play with.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The imagery, the solid metaphors and similes, the rhyme, the meter, the incorporation of the prompt, the ultimate message. So so good, Cyn. Congrats on delving down and bringing back up the poet we all knew you were.


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