Sunday Slideshow: at least one of us is creative

Overwhelmed by jealousy of Philip’s successful visit to the pediatrician, I decided to get sick. Hey, I want antibiotics, too!
Okay, jealousy had nothing to do with it. It was more likely proximity to a sniffling, sneezing, coughing, stuffy head kid. I’m sure I could have found a better use of my Sunday afternoon than being at the urgent care clinic. Like putting together a blog post or not feeling like crap.

On the upside, I got a note that says I can’t go to work tomorrow. On the downside, it’s not like I feel like going to some fun, alternative location.

I really want to keep these Sunday Slideshows as a consistent feature. But since I’m not feeling so hot (being feverish doesn’t count), you’re stuck with this cobbled-together slide show of pictures that I may or may not have used before. I don’t feel the least bit creative, but I’m sharing photos showing how creative Philip is.

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7 thoughts on “Sunday Slideshow: at least one of us is creative

What do you have to say about that?