Sunday Slideshow: Left to his own devices — with markers

Philip has had a pack of dry erase markers in his room since December. I left them there so he could dry on the white board in his room.

I should have know better.

For example, I should have remembered this:

mattress 002

or this:

"I thought YOU were watching him"

“I thought YOU were watching him”

or even this:


But I didn’t.

That’s why, when I got home from work on Tuesday evening, Peter greeted me with a kiss and the words, “Go check out your son.”

Oh, boy.

We have plans to repaint all of the interior walls of the house. Philip’s room was in the worse condition when we moved in because the previous owners had put up a wallpaper border at the top, plus images scattered on the walls. It appears they attempted to remove some of these pictures, but most were only partially torn off. It was quite a mess.

Philip didn’t see a mess, however. He saw a blank canvas.

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Can you tell he is into drawing balloons?

Frankly, I think Philip’s marker work is quite an improvement. I was less pleased that he also decorated his shirtsleeves in addition to tattooing his hands and forearms. He also drew on an empty diaper box.

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I’ve removed the markers from his room. Of course, he has markers elsewhere in the house. Let’s hope that the abundance of drawing paper and coloring books will keep him occupied.

Linking this slideshow post from the archives at the yeah write #162 moonshine grid.

33 thoughts on “Sunday Slideshow: Left to his own devices — with markers

  1. OH BOY!……Looks like you have your hands full!!….LOL…Kids, got a LUV EM! I’m enjoying reading your posts and am a new Fan. Thanks for coming by my blog, and very nice to meet you. Author, Catherine Lyon 🙂


  2. I wish there was a way I could upload photos…My son wrote the entire text of Where the Wild Things Are (from memory, of course), on the walls of the playroom. (there are some on my blog under “iPad Update” –check if you really want to see). He also found a pack of crayons one day and used them to write the name of each color –in that color–on the walls and on the kitchen floor and furniture, as well. “Blue” with the blue crayon, etc. Good times. Hang in there.


  3. OH, that looks so familiar! We went through this with a dry erase board I bought for my (then) 3 yr old, but her little sister used to crawl up and help herself! And draw all over her clothes, our table, our chairs……and this past weekend she turned 4 and got an art easel, one side is, yep, dry erase! Her little sister (now 2) has already ruined, I mean uh, DECORATED one wooden leg of it and 2 of her shirts. You know where they DON’T erase? Anywhere that’s NOT a dry erase board! Ya gotta love em.


  4. This has happened to Cimmorene and I with Boy (he is 6) more times than I can seem to count…

    His artwork is still on the back seat of the car, a few of our walls (other than in his bedroom), the door in the family room over the furnace (room is a converted garage), and probably some other places I’m forgetting.

    (Our son also has autism, by the way.)


  5. Wow he’s very creative and artistic:) that’s wonderfu and he could start sharing stories with you this way now.

    Curious…..dry erase markers or “water based markers”? We use water based ones on our whiteboard and they come off…dry erase are permanent markers. I used to work in the stationary industry so just curious what you are using:)


      1. Fair enough:) so since he’s becoming Michaelangelo with markers and walls is it time for a change? Save yourself from having to use heavy duty primer when the time comes to re-paint 😉 just a thought.


  6. My moms in the non-technical stone age so she always has me write things down (ie addresses for xmas cards). I keep telling her I don’t have writing utensils! I hide them! Because….we have crayon, marker, etc and stickers in many strange places. It bothers me and I clean it up, but I know ten years from now I will find a scribble under the table, ten years old, and shed a tear.


  7. Well, you’ve got a very creative boy there! 🙂 Although I’m sure once his room is painted, he’s not going to be allowed to use markers without proper adult supervision!


  8. The Mr. Clean sponge will get out almost anything! I was painting a mural in my son’s room some years ago, and since I’m not an artist at all, I made a lot of mistakes. No matter how thick or dry, the magic eraser…magically erased it all. I think it is super terrific that you are blogging his adventures in childhood this way. What a treasure for you and your family. 🙂


  9. Um, did I tell you that we recently repainted my 7 year old’s room because she decided that the white wall was a good place to check out her crayon art? That turned into a fun day activity. On the plus side, I can tell that he really enjoys drawing. Such a lovely thing to encourage. Not on the shirtsleeves though 😉


  10. It’s obvious you have a genius here. Just look at the way he rid himself of that ‘baby’ pic on the box. He’s no ‘baby’; that’s for sure! Notice how he takes ‘ownership’ of the things he likes by circling them! or even pointing to them with an ‘arrow’ , lol.


  11. I have twin boys so this happens to me ALL THE TIME. They’ve done it with me in the room, I’ll turn my back for a second to deal with someone else and BAM, marker/crayon/pencil/chalk all over. I would be proud of his art work though, he writes his numbers really well, it’s the little things… If you can’t laugh, you’ll go nuts.


  12. His work is wonderful. I’ve taught kids art and one of my favorite lessons is letters and numbers as art forms. I would bid on his “numbers table” if I saw it for sale online. Great composition, which is hard to teach. If there are any of his wall drawings you or he particularly like, you can purchase simple, appropriately sized ready-made frames and attach them to the wall to enhance the “mural” imagery. Then just paint over the remaining imagery for which a photo is an adequate archive. I love how your son circled the wall outlet. Very Dada. A little frame would look awesome around that.
    I love your essay, and though I don’t know your son, I know some of by best, most original art students have had autism. Your piece is funny, wry, and feels like a celebration of your son’s uncontainable creativity.


  13. I love Sunday Slideshow. I think your son shows great imagination and a flair for giving your home his personal touch. Our daughter used anything she could find to decorate walls and furniture – paint, stickers, crayons, pencils, finger paints and Vaseline. Some of it came off and some of it remained permanent reminders of her creativity, depending on the surface. Some artwork actually made it to paper and I framed that and hung it on the wall 🙂

    They now make chalkboard paint in every color imaginable!


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