Sunday Slideshow: That’s the way to the zoo

For the past two years, we have opted not to take Philip on the preschool field trips to the zoo. While zoos are a great place to observe animals, they offer limited hands-on activities to engage a little guy like Philip. He doesn’t always respond to, “Hey, look at the lion sleeping in the corner!”

Yet, Philip has demonstrated increased willingness to look where we point over the past year. That’s why I decided Philip was ready for his first trip to the zoo. On Saturday, we went as guests of my brother and his family. They have a membership to the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium. Grandma and Grandpa joined us, too.

Since my brother’s family goes to the zoo frequently, they are familiar with the layout and exhibits and had no need to see and do everything in this single visit. That meant we were able to let Philip set the pace. My sister-in-law did a great job of picking the areas in which Philip would have the easiest time seeing animals as well as have a chance for hands-on activities.

As a result, we all had a great time on Saturday. Philip had a few moments in which loud noises startled him. It was a warm, sunny day, so he did need to take some rest breaks, but so did everyone else.

I didn’t actually take that many photos, but here are a few from the day. Of course, there were three other people with cameras, so don’t fret: Philip’s first trip to the zoo has been properly immortalized.

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2 thoughts on “Sunday Slideshow: That’s the way to the zoo

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