The art of being Philip

I’ve never considered myself an artistic person. In school, my least favorite classes were PE and art.
I have a feeling that Philip will enjoy these classes more than I did. Philip obviously enjoys physical activity.
As for art, here are some pictures from this past week that show Philip’s interest in artistic materials and creation.

Philip looks at Daddy's paint set

Philip looks at Daddy’s paint set

Balancing markers

Balancing markers

Admiring the letters that Daddy painted

Admiring the letters that Daddy painted

Creating his own art

Creating his own art

4 thoughts on “The art of being Philip

  1. That’s awesome! J actually feels better when he has arts and crafts materials around; I think it helps him get out whatever he is feeling.

    The downside of this is you might end up getting roped into the projects, by the way. You might want to invest in a few yards of clear vinyl to put under your dining room table…we learned that lesson the hard way!


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