Weekly Photo Challenge: Unfocused

I  began to think that I would skip this week’s photo challenge courtesy of The Daily Post at WordPress.com. I like the idea of “unfocused.” Every photographer probably ends up with pictures that are blurred, intentionally or not.

This week’s theme appealed to my verbal brain more as writing prompt, a chance to discuss a state of mind rather than explore the visual potential of the theme. I tried to think of a way that a photo could show either my own or Philip’s being mentally unfocused. Nothing came to mind nor did anything happen that fit, so I discarded the idea.

Zooming in distorted the image enough to be unfocused. My poor little camera strained to autofocus as I pushed the button to take the picture.

I found this on the counter when I got home from work today.

I believe this is the first Mother’s Day gift that I have received from Philip. It was very sweet of the preschool staff to make this card and pin.

An in-focus close up of the pin

I do wonder if Philip helped make this. If so, what was his contribution? I suppose students could have helped glue the printed words onto the blue cardstock. Maybe some of the children selected the components for their moms’ pins. Maybe they could help glue these objects onto the cloth backgrounds.

What did Philip do? Does he know he gave me a gift?

The gift is sweet, but bittersweet.

2 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Unfocused

  1. Happy Mother’s Day 🙂 I had the same questions before too. It was his first attempt and probably lots of hand over hand but *smiles* it was his little hands.


What do you have to say about that?