Visiting the land of empathy and wonder

In December, the three of us drove to Michigan to visit some of Peter’s relatives. These were family members who I had never met, so I was nervous. Will they like me? How will they react to Philip? It turned out that I didn’t have to worry. Who knew that there was a land of empathy and wonder in the suburbs of Detroit?

Philip with his great aunt

Philip with his great aunt

I decided to share the story of our visit with Kristi of Finding Ninee. One year ago, she wrote a piece called “The Land of Empathy and Wonder.” Since that time, she has invited other bloggers to write about the place where people celebrate differences, encourage understanding, and accept everyone who is willing to play nicely. She calls it The Our Land Series.

Today, I am visiting the land of wonder and empathy. I hope you will stop by read my contribution to the series. Click here to read “Unbreakable” and to wish The Our Land Series a happy first birthday.


7 thoughts on “Visiting the land of empathy and wonder

  1. I’m so happy to have your fabulous voice on Our Land today! Thank you again for sharing your story. And wow – I didn’t even realize that it’s been a year of OL posts. Thanks for the happy birthday and the reminder!


  2. Couldn’t comment there because I don;t use any of the services they use for login.

    That’s great that your Husband’s Aunt was 100% accepting of your family, and it sounds like she treated you all as her own.


    1. I’m glad that I didn’t close comments on this post then. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
      (I used my super editing powers to take care of the typo. It’s just our little secret now).


  3. Hi, I am the father of a 23 year old son who is severely autistic. His name is Micah. I have written a book about being a single father raising a son with autsm, and his twin brothers. A number of publishers have shown interest but do not think I have a strong platform to promote the book. One thing they want is for my blog to have more followers. Please follow my blog and help me get “Micah’s Touch” published. Thank You, Darian


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