Fitness Friday: step away from the desk

I live a sedentary lifestyle. I bemoan my job at times, but then I remind myself I’m not standing at a fast food drive-thru window like my mom did for twenty years or walking a factory floor like my dad, well past retirement age, still does. My office job is not physically demanding.

I’m also lucky that my job, in addition to an hour off for lunch, permits me two fifteen minute breaks during the day. I’m going to take advantage of those breaks to add more activity to my life. I’ve put a reminder on my calendar to take a stretch break every morning. Each afternoon, I have an appointment for the stairs. I’ll get email reminders so that I don’t suddenly look at the clock and realize I’ve been on my tokhus all day.

This is the minimum that I will do. A standing desk is not in my future, but that doesn’t mean I can’t stand up once an hour when I’m not typing on my computer or answering the phone. If I have an opportunity to deliver forms to someone on the second floor or drop off the mail in the basement, I’ll do it. Am I going to drop a lot of weight doing this? No, but I am starting at zero calories burned. I can only go up from here.

Speaking of zero, the weather right now leaves me unmotivated to walk during my lunch break or take extended strolls with the dog before and after work. That’s one reason I know that I need to increase my indoor activities.


According to Google, I’m not the only one looking to get healthier despite an office job. When I typed the search phrase “exercise at your desk,” pages of results popped up. Someone went so far as to name it “deskercise.” I’ll admit it: I’m not going to “rip off a minute’s worth of jumping jacks” in my office. None of the people I share a space with want to see that. I will, however, try one new exercise a day suggested by the articles over the next month. I’m putting those on my calendar, too, so that I don’t forget.

I’m not going to qualify for the Olympics with this training program, but I just might end my work day not feeling so stiff and blah.

What about you? Does your job keep you active? If not, how do you make sure you aren’t sitting down all day?



Another Just Jot It January post. Of course “just jog it January” wouldn’t be such a bad idea.

16 thoughts on “Fitness Friday: step away from the desk

    1. I’m guilty of eating lunch at my desk, but not because I’m too busy. I just got out of the habit of taking walks. It’s so hard to get back into that habit when it is cold and snowy outside.
      I’m looking forward to trying the desk exercises. I’m hoping the novelty will keep me motivated.


  1. My job definitely doesn’t keep me active, but I get sore sitting down for too long so I like to get up every half hour or so to stretch or walk to the bathroom or just be standing for a while. It also helps mg focus


    1. I think that part about focus is so true. I’m sure I’ve read research that getting up to move helps you think or remember things. I know when I was teaching I made it a part of the lessons to get the students up and about. I know changing one’s perspective can help with memory retention and problem solving. In other words – you’re right! Moving makes up better workers.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. There’s a walking track at the fitness center on campus, but I find all kinds of excuses not to use it. I have to get there either by walking or car (ha!). I need time to eat and walk during my lunch break. I have to show my ID to get in. I’d have to change into walking shoes. There’s no place to put my stuff while I’m walking except piled on the floor. I hate walking in circles, etc.
      Ugh, are you sick of my excuses yet, too?


      1. Haha! You actually sound like me for the last few weeks.
        Changing the subject completely, the letter f doesn’t work after an L and an I in the comment box. Isn’t that weird? It did that to me last night too.


  2. Fortunately, I had a job that kept me physically active, because, unlike many of the teachers I had, I could not teach from behind or perched on a desk, so I was constantly in motion, walking around the room with momentary stops at the chalkboard while I explained or led discussions, then stooping beside, or bending over, desks when supervising student work. When I had recess duty or bus duty, I stayed in motion as well. Since retiring, I’ve had to come up with a system because I can get busy with a project and forget time. Usually, I am within earshot of my kitchen timer, so I set it for 55 minutes, thus ensuring I get up and move around five minutes of every hour. When I’m outside, I’m usually gardening, so don’t have to worry about it. After dinner, my husband and I take a walk together. I find my body does better since I’ve adopted these practices. Good luck with your adopted schedule. I hope it works for you.


    1. My music teaching days kept me active, too. I usually didn’t even have my own desk, so there was no sitting behind it. I moved from room to room to teach. Of course, this exhausted me when I weighed as much as I do now. That was one thing that motivated me to lose all that weight long ago.
      The reminders in my calendar, like your kitchen timer, are helping me remember to get up and move. I’m grateful I’m not chained to a desk. I can’t use that as an excuse.


What do you have to say about that?